Crafting Harmony: Designing a Successful Multi-Functional Indoor/Outdoor Space
Carissa Byrne Hebert Carissa Byrne Hebert

Crafting Harmony: Designing a Successful Multi-Functional Indoor/Outdoor Space

In the realm of modern living, the distinction between indoor and outdoor spaces is becoming increasingly blurred. Homeowners seek to seamlessly integrate the two, creating versatile areas that cater to a variety of activities and functions. Whether you have a sprawling backyard or a cozy balcony, designing a successful multi-functional indoor/outdoor space requires thoughtful planning and creativity. Here are some practical tips to help you craft a harmonious environment that effortlessly transitions between the indoors and outdoors.

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Is the white kitchen aesthetic a thing of the past?
Carissa Byrne Hebert Carissa Byrne Hebert

Is the white kitchen aesthetic a thing of the past?

For years, the white kitchen has reigned supreme as the epitome of timeless elegance and modern sophistication. Its clean lines, bright atmosphere, and versatility have made it a favorite choice among homeowners and designers alike. However, as design trends evolve and tastes shift, some are beginning to question whether the white kitchen aesthetic is losing its allure. Is this beloved design trend truly a thing of the past, or does it still have a place in today's homes? Let's explore the evolution of the white kitchen and whether it remains relevant in contemporary design..

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Creating a Healthy Home: Incorporating Non-Toxic Materials Into Your Space
Carissa Byrne Hebert Carissa Byrne Hebert

Creating a Healthy Home: Incorporating Non-Toxic Materials Into Your Space

In today's world, where health and wellness are increasingly becoming priorities, creating a non-toxic living environment has never been more important. From the paint on your walls to the furniture you sit on, the materials used in your home can have a significant impact on your health and well-being. If you're looking to create a space that promotes health and sustainability, incorporating non-toxic materials is a great place to start.

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